Deloitte - Pride

  • Amy Taylor
Sharing Deloitte’s pride across social… (with speed)

The challenge

Deloitte are big on diversity. So when Pride in London 2016 came around, they came to us to devise a brand-awareness piece that would help them show their support. Our task was to create content for The GLOBE Network, Deloitte’s LGBT community, and Deloitte Graduates to post throughout the festival. Our approach was something different, to not just show their support, but share it too.

The solution

With the knowledge that over 100 employees of Deloitte had volunteered to take part in the Pride Parade, we took a pre, during and post event approach. Short teaser stings were created to be posted in the lead up to the Parade, along with a full length launch video to be posted on the day. Social header images were also created to replace those displayed across Deloitte Facebook and Twitter groups. Finally, in order to ensure Deloitte’s pride was spread far and wide, we supplied each employee taking part in the parade with advocacy guidelines, including suggestions on what content to collect on the day and what hashtags should be used to create the most impact with their friends, contacts and followers, and beyond. Oh, and we turned it round, from concept to completion, in 5 working days.

See it on Twitter: @DeloitteUKGrads @DeloitteUKSchools @DeloitteGLOBE
See it on Facebook: @yourfutureatdeloitteuk @DeloitteGLOBE

The results

Over the course of the festival, our stings and videos generated over 800 clicks through to the diversity & inclusion section of Deloitte’s website. Around 200 posts were generated by advocates, with all the likes, shares and retweets this entails.

Art Director: Louise Organ
Copywriter: Amy Taylor