Destination Sainsbury's | Service Design

  • Sindi Breshani
Destination Sainsbury's is a prediction on the role that supermarkets will play in our future realities.
It responds to the personality traits and relationship with food of a new persona I constructed who represents millennials.
Destination Sainsbury's is a place where customers come because they want to, not because they need to, an environment that balances technology with human interaction and which focuses on the experience

A journey inside the store of the future.

An alternative Sainsbury's app that sells experience and lifestyle rather than simple products.

A new Sainsbury's personnas that represents Millennials.

I constructed Chris after a long process of desk and in-store research. This new persona offers a new perspective and culture to food, seeing it as a platform for self expression and adventure. Millennials are going to shape how companies do business for the decades to come.

Designers from Sainsbury's, Argos, Habitat, TU, Bank using Chris in their Designathon