Digital Nomad Visa Programs Available in 2021 - An Overview

  • Maja Nenadov Webster

One of the main perks of being a freelancer or remote worker is the ability to work from wherever you want in the world. A new breed of traveller has emerged – the digital nomad, who is able to fund adventures and world travel, without having to sacrifice money or their career. They simply work wherever they are, using the internet. This state of perpetual travel can become a little tiring after a while though. So it’s good to have the option to stay somewhere long enough to experience the country like a ‘new home’. This slower kind of travelling gives you the freedom to worry less about making travel arrangements, and make deeper connections with the countries you visit. You can make more friends and immerse yourself in what makes that destination special. Also, depending where you are coming from, it can be a big relief to forget about the Schengen 90/180 rule – visa expirations, renewals, and other energy-sapping entry requirements. And of course, the spread of Covid-19 and the lockdowns that have followed, have shown the value of having more of a settled base, rather than constantly moving around. Increasingly, countries are looking to capitalise on this new breed of traveller, by offering attractive visas designed to attract them. In our latest article, we will walk you through the current Digital Nomad Visa (DNV) programs that are available. Continue reading here: