Dreamtime Coaching - Branding

  • Matthew Hunkin

Rebecca is a transformational coach and trained, Inka-tradition medicine woman. She helps people to process and release stuck energy and find sweetness, light and joy, enabling them to move forward in their lives. Inspired and led by nature, she skillfully guides clients to heal themselves as they navigate a journey towards a more soul-centred life. During the project's discovery phase, we found inspiration in a traditional story from the Andes. The tale describes how the hummingbird is thought to be a messenger between the upper world and the Earth. Feeding exclusively on nectar or light energy, he connects humans with the power of God and raises them to the next level of consciousness. This, in turn, facilitates the process of human development and self-fulfilment. To support the hummingbird theme, we introduced honeysuckle as a second image. The honeysuckle is a symbol of pure happiness. Hummingbirds find it irresistible, and its’ name likely derives from the way they suckle at its blossoms in search of sweet nectar. Ancient civilisations believed it represented following one’s path as well as attracting sweetness in all aspects of life.