ENO pitch - The Indian Queen

  • Bianca Howell
This was my pitch for a short inspired by the English National Opera's staging of "The Indian Queen".

I wanted to implement both stop motion as the animation technique, and the combined use of blacklight and blacklight-sensitive paint. Everything therefore would have been dark, and all shapes would have been recognizable through the bright colours emanating from set and puppets.

I wanted to concentrate on the relationship between Teculihuatzin, “the queen”, the Spanish conqueror Don Pedro and their daughter - a family portrait if you will, but retold in allegorical form.
The queen was to be garbed in a way to resemble a quetzal, to symbolize the Aztecs. The set would have been comprised of a single, imposing tree - standing for the queen's heritage and the Aztec empire - in which she lived with her egg, representing her daughter. Don Pedro would have been portrayed as a gargantuan eagle, said bird being the national animal and emblem of Spain.

These are the images I used for my presentation.