Ephemeral jewellery / The Delta and the Matter

  • Maryia Virshych
  • Aina Guirao

Throughout history human relationship to death was a leitmotif and the source of constant reflection in all cultures. This is the crucial aspect of religion and philosophy, it is a concept that both terrifies us and permits to find our place in the world, it is romantic and intriguing, and yet very natural and bodily. Most inexplicable differences between world societies are based on how the death and the dead are being perceived. What if death instead of being the greatest mystery becomes just an preposterous misfortune? Will we ever be able to find peace and assign meaning to life? The Ephemeral Jewellery is an exploration of death as just a step in the infinite circle. It is an ode to the beauty of decay. It is a poetical appropriation of the fading and decomposition. We want to frieze the preciousness of the passing moment and contemplate it in its complexity.

In essence, the project is based on a process of research and experimentation with living matter applied to jewellery, so that the resulting objects could be worn on our own bodies, with the objective of producing a collection that draws parallels with lifetime.
It is not only the perishable matter that this project aims to focus on, but also there is an intention of observing the natural mechanisms involved in the life cycle. It is the life cycle where countless agents actuate, an explosion of life that emerges and proliferates, feeding on biological waste.
This project received a Sala D'Art Jove 2018 Award and was part of the
Afectes Secundaris Exhibition.