
  • Elif Gurbuz

Equipmii aims to revolutionize shopping for individuals with physical impairments, making life more accessible and convenient through a personalised marketplace. Therefore, the brand and digital platform seamlessly integrates personalised shopping with a digital assistant, providing tailored experiences and expert guidance. The tagline "Life's Better, Equipped" encapsulates the mission to enhance users' quality of life. The brand identity for Equipmii was inspired by its mission for empowerment and inclusivity. To celebrate their community, we created a graphic system representing the colourful variety of the bodies of its users. Our characters feature different shapes, sizes and colours, all served by our platform. We also created 'Mii Miii,' the friendly digital assistant who brings accessible knowledge, trustability and a touch of magic. This character brings a playful yet professional element to the brand, enhancing user engagement without overshadowing the core service. Client: Equipmii Agency: Design Machine Role: Creative Director

The web platform prioritizes accessibility, offering a personalized shopping experience with curated product recommendations and the "My Collection" section for individuals and their carers. The digital assistant provides guided shopping, ensuring users receive expert support and a friendly tone of voice. The platform, initially web-based, evolved into a standalone mobile app.

We were brought into the project as the creative director of the brand identity and the UI design of the app. We directed brand strategy, creative direction and user experience to advance our client on the product vision. We were brought in as one of the key players in the project to provide creative strategy, brand identity, an extensive design system and, most importantly, a high-fidelity prototype. This prototype and the comprehensive pitch deck we delivered communicate Equipmii's value, mission, product benefits, and future development plans, helping raise significant funding and drive the company forward. This project balances innovation and empathy, creating a functional and resonant digital experience that empowers and inspires, which we were very proud to be a part of.