Etsy Christmas Press Launch

  • Susie Young
  • Jenny Liggitt
  • Jodie Foote

I worked with Etsy to concept, event design and style their ‘Difference Makes Us’ press dinner. This was a global event activation with six different locations around the world hosting a dinner on the same day, to celebrate the Difference Makes Us campaign. Each region was open to interpret the brief as they saw fit, thereby further cementing the main campaign message. I (when part of Knot & Pop) devised the UK event concept, which centred on making the guest experience unique and personal to each invitee - so cementing the Campaign angle from the get go. From invitation, guest information was gathered to personalise their experience on the day and make each different. Press were asked about their taste preferences that shaped their menu, favourite colour that formed part of their personalised place setting and favourite song that formed the playlist. Upon entry, each guest was given a basket to shop five items from a market place. These items were then ‘checked out’ by a market trader, with them forming part of the event experience, tailored to the guest. The plate picked formed their starter place, the scent chosen at the Scent Station formed their gift, wrapped in the paper selected, the drinks coaster picked became what their tea or coffee was served on at the end of the evening, and the bauble chosen from the Bauble Bar also went into their goody bag. A Gin Parlour with endless gin variaties allowed guests to create a Gin cocktail of their choice. An Etsy lettering artist was on hand to pen their life motto, and a customisation bauble workshop also took place to spotlight the approaching Christmas season – hosted by an Etsy seller. From a product perspective, I selected and curated the Etsy products for the event. Etsy product was dressed throughout the table and space to celebrate the talent and diversify of makers on Etsy.