Events, Campaigns and Facilities ( Assets) - GAP Graphic Design Assistant at the University of Bedfordshire

  • Shruti Makwana

Library Opening Hours: For library opening hours, I was asked to develop a new design. And for it, I kept the image from the previous design before using a border of books, which I then reduced in transparency. Next, I placed a white box, which is where the text was added, and lastly, I added extra elements of the library, pins, and the university logo. After developing the digital screens, I resized it for the app. BBC Broadcasting Team: Three students chose to join the broadcasting team for the big weekend and for the day. I developed two designs, one for the digital screen and one for social media. Four designs were developed; my colleague Katy chose design three, where I added the photo of the girls after using a gradient background of orange, yellow, and pink to match the Big Weekend before layering confetti and adding a radio element to the corner, as well as the university’s logo beside the Big Weekend one. Then, to finish it off, I added the text using their branded font and the Canva tool lift to make it stand out more. MyEngagment: MyEngagement is the new name of the Learn Analytics set to be released in September, and for it, it made various assets for each of the internal platforms . A combination of MyEngagment colours and the university brand colours and imagery were used to create various theme design asset for all the platforms. General Elections: For general elections that took place at midnight on Tuesday, June 18th. I created a design for social media and digital screens. The colours used were consistent with the identity, so I went to Canva and altered the backdrop colour to red before adding the text surrounding the day. Finally, I put the university logo to the corner, as well as voting-related elements below and below the text. Then resized it for the digital screens. World Music Day: The upcoming awareness day was World Music Day, and I used my independent thinking skills to create this design by keeping the backdrop white before adding a red box down the side. I then layered the music pitch on top, transitioning from white to light grey by lowering the opacity. After I had locked everything in place, including the university logo, I added another element: a microphone with waves flowing from the corner. I then drew a line across the page. Finally, I included the text and the QR code. InternationaL Women in Engineering: Then, for International Women in Engineering Day, I went for a photo of a plain white background and placed one of the female students’ photos to the side. Then, I over layered it with engineering markings coming from the corners of the page and photo before finishing it with an engineering map and helmet in the corner, then added the text of the awareness day and university logo in the corner for both the digital screen and social media. World Wellbeing Week: The next awareness day was World Wellbeing Week. For this, I created a blue background to match the world and elements of the map, leaves, public and telescope in the shape of a heart near the texts, which I then added before resizing it for the digital screens after developing the one for social media.