Evolution of Rhythmic Gymnastics Leotards

  • Mairi Brascoupe
For my BA thesis, I looked at the evolution of rhythmic gymnastics leotards from the sports inclusion in the Olympics in 1984 until 2013. The development of these designs was analyzed using the criteria of expressiveness, aesthetics and functionality, and how outside factors such as technological developments, mainstream fashion or fashion in other sports, and internal factors such as regulations, affect the changes that occurred in 30 years. Along with this research, I illustrated a leotard for every year that I analyzed, selecting a garment that either best reflected the style at the time, or pushed the boundaries and changed the way people were designing leotards. These illustrations were then put into a poster, as well as a book. The book was 8 inches squared, and was folded into an accordion book, which could then open out to 160 inches displaying the evolution in a complete timeline.