The nature of these hour-long programmes will change depending on the feedback and questions we get from you, our community, but each week, we’ll be joined by one of our amazing network of creative professionals, educators, and current students to discuss various aspects of the coming weeks and months.
For many of you, degree shows have been cancelled or indefinitely postponed. In a lot of cases your plans for final major projects, or at the very least the production and documentation have been severely disrupted and in most cases, there’s huge concern about how this will all impact job prospects in an already tough industry to crack.
We aim to discuss and unpick all of that over the coming weeks and will try to find the perfect guests to share insight and ideas with you, answering your questions as we go.
If you don’t already, follow us on Instagram and keep yourself free on Wednesdays at 1pm (BST) to join the session live or catch it later on IGTV. First up, we’re going to be joined by Vicky Carr, co-founder of Textbook Studio and graphic design lecturer supreme. Tune in, ask questions and let’s navigate this hot mess together.