F+ | Digital Exhibition

  • Lisa Drake

F+, the fail exhibition. The concept behind the digital exhibition is to challenge the relationship between failure and success. The intention is to show creative students that failure is not only normal, it’s part of the creative process. Through failure, we learn how to cultivate and refine our ideas. This is an exhibition where creative’s can submit their ‘failed’ work, this can include pieces that were rejected routes or simply a piece of work that didn’t quite work out. The website operates by being able to scroll through a selection of projects, imitating how you would interact with a gallery space. If you want to know more about that failed project you can click through and learn more about the project and the designer behind it. As well as this you have the opportunity to collaborate with the designer. Perhaps they simply needed a helping hand to get the project of the ground, or just need to some critical feedback to push their project in the right direction. You can find this space at failexhibition.co.uk