DESIGNERS STATEMENT The concept of this project stems from ‘Sankofa’, an ancestral word in the Twi language of Ghana (the Akan tribe) which translates to ''Go back and get it'' (San- to return; Ko- to go, Fa- to seek and take). This word represents the quest for knowledge and also the belief that the past serves as a guide for planning the future. This project is based on an abstract representation of what Africa embodies; knowledge, power and beauty beyond belief. My aim for this project was to create a collection of prints that embodies the barefoot luxury of the African continent. I infuse a variety of themes together not necessarily sticking to one theme such as animal prints. I look beyond Africa's horizons, taking inspiration from Art and Crafts, Sculptural forms, textiles beyond surface print but form. A bold, mostly earthly toned colour palette is enlivened by the addition of gold, copper and other warm hues. This collection is full of sophistication, power, drama, elegance, formality and mystery. In brief, the knowledge of the past must never be forgotten and we must go back to our roots in order to move forward.