Flight Club Darts // UX Design

  • Lauren Grace

UX research and design consultant for Flight Club Darts. Undertaking detailed and tailored user, business and market research for this high growth start-up hospitality client. Why? To aid revenue growth online via website bookings and allow for global expansion.

Full case study: laurengracedesign.com/flight-club-darts

User Research / Stakeholder Interviews / Market Analysis


User Journeys

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes (Mobile & desktop)

User Journey Empathy Map

Visualising the users attitudes and behaviours in an empathy map for both B2B & B2C customers helps me to align a deep user understanding at all touch points within the organisation. As a UX designer, my job is to be an advocate for the users so in order to do this, I must deeply understand the users and help the internal business departments understand and priorities user needs throughout the full process.
The empathy map was a fundamental visualisation tool for achieving this as it created a shared, powerful understanding of user needs from on-boarding to purchase to visit.

Affinity Map

So, the discovery UX stage has come to a point of analysis - how do I do this most effectively? Affinity mapping. I’m sure you’ve all seen a UX designer with a gazillion post-it notes … well this is why.
Affinity mapping, is the greatest method to make sense of a whole lot of mixed data such as facts, research, ideas, user opinions, user need, insights, design issue etc. as it bundles and groups information to give trends and context to the findings.
When your mind is full of research findings and ideas, affinity mapping is the tool to collate into digestible trends to move forward with.

Card Sorting - User Research

Referring to the copywriting guidelines, usability research and business goals, the site architecture was proving to be a stumbling block. This was mainly due to the naming, placement and taxonomy. The site was built as a MVP (minimal viable product) and since had produced many more products that had been layered on top in a way that was not user efficient or clear.
To identify the optimum way of presenting the site architecture and taxonomy, I performed a number of card sorting activities both internally through group meetings within the business, with users and with externally biased individuals.
Card sorting was performed in a range of programmes/techniques from paper card sorting to online (with Optimal).


A key deliverable for Flight Club Darts, following the affinity map conclusion of the research, the strategic sitemap was constructed and discussed with key stakeholders along with the conclusion findings of the discovery stage research.

Stakeholder Interviews

The first stage of this project and most UX projects is to understand where the business is now from various touch points within the business - in this project the key stakeholders ranged from customer service, marketing, CEO, CFO, design, product and operations. Stakeholder interviews are a great way to start a project as it gives you one-on-one time with key individuals who will assist during the project, allowing me to introduce myself and explain what UX is and how we will be working together throughout the project. This is fundamental as it brings everyone to the same page and gives me a detailed insight on how to proceed with the UX process - whether this be in terms of timelines or business goals.
The questions asked to each stakeholder varies to suit their touch points within the business, but overall all are asked a few definitive questions such as what paint-points the website/service currently inflicts on to their role/department and what they hope this project to achieve.
Usability Testing - User Research

Performed across both mobile and desktop with existing and non-existing customers, the usability testing not only uncovered new understandings, but also confirmed previous research understandings.
User Personas

Flight Club Darts already had two personas in place that the whole company consistently referred to. Throughout my research I adapted the user personas and kept awareness of defining new personas but ultimately found that indeed the personas referred to were very much their core customers. Great job Flight Club!


Why people love Flight Club
What services/products are offered
Who is the customer/s
How are customer acquired

Usability Feedback

Much like the stakeholder interviews, usability testing is performed constantly throughout the whole design process. I find InVision to be a great prototyping tool for this.
Typically I brief the respondent with a task and watch whilst they complete this, there are however many fundamental cues to follow when performing such usability testing to ensure the user is comfortable and does not rush through to complete the brief for a gold star rather than naturally progressing through the user journey.

To Summarise

Being a UX research and design consultant for Flight Club Darts, I undertook detailed and tailored user, business and market research for the high growth start-up hospitality client.
In which I was to aid revenue growth online via website bookings, increase all-day trading and allow for global expansion. To do this I performed a variety of research techniques and in turn delivered a strategic sitemap and responsive wireframes.
The development of the site is currently being worked on, once it’s complete I’ll be sure to share it with you along with key metrics of how the business goals have been met.
Full case study: laurengracedesign.com/flight-club-darts