Fontana at Pornceptual

  • Gabriella Gasparini

Meet Fontana, the multi-breasted performer who is challenging the notions of femininity and masculinity at the Pornceptual party in Berlin. "Noemi Veberic Levovnik’s ‘Fontana’ and I meet during her performance at the Pornceptual party in Berlin, where I feed off her presence and like a baby eager to be breastfed again, I crave to suck onto her exhilarating energy once more. Pornceptual isn’t just a party, it’s a platform that aims to transcend the current associations presented by pornography and use them as a weapon for social justice, art, erotica and queerness. It’s founders, Chris and Eric Phillips along with Raquel Fedato started the platform as a blog and then quickly expanded it into a multidisciplinary event comprising their infamous monthly parties, workshops, film screenings and quarterly magazine. Pornceptual magazine’s latest issue, ‘Porn Guerilla’ seeks to discover whether ‘porn can be a weapon for social change’ and interrogates the opinion of artists, pornographers, performers and poets alike - asking to redefine and challenge the normativity in porn, sex and self-expression. Fontana’s performance at the party is the physical embodiment of many of the topics Pornceptual covers, from sexual desires, tensions and expressions to its subjectivity and objectivity through to its representation in culture and media. The way Fontana oozes both femininity and masculinity in such an aesthetically pleasing way leaves me gasping for more, so I wrote to her to find out more about what she’s all about. Yet if you’re wondering who Fontana is, you might be asking yourself the wrong question. Fontana, is - and is not. She can be playful yet serious. Dominant and passive. Feminine yet masculine. Strong and gentle. A goddess and a mortal. A madonna but also a whore. Perhaps, one could say Fontana is representative of the dialectical discourse between the seemingly opposing notions of sex, gender, expected behaviour, motherhood and power. What Fontana isn’t, is a preacher, a teacher, a mother, a missionary on the road to convert all the ‘non-believers’ with her motherly sinuous charm - in fact, she’s not here to give any answers at all, “her main role is to help raise questions” not answer them. If Fontana appears paradoxical, that’s because she is."