• Naomie Mampala
FOR THE SAKE OF THE CULTURE' digital exhibition is focused on the underrepresentation of black artists/architects and designers in the arts industry, their experiences, and how we are actively working 'for the sake of the culture'.
While exploring Black British culture, along with the many positive things that we have built and achieved for the culture the one thing that was prominent was the discrimination that plays an active part in what we face daily and that feeds into every aspect of our lives. Whether it be in the workplace, school, healthcare, etc. The rebirth of the black lives matter movement was the motivation that society needed to find a solution to the underlying issue of underrepresented designers and artists in the industry. It’s the final straw that was needed to make everyone take notice. This momentum is allowing us to look at every industry. Before, it was like “racism doesn’t happen in our industry”, but now people are starting to listen. Awareness isn’t enough – we need to see the physical change.
Full vimeo exhibition https://vimeo.com/showcase/7615571