Frieza is the Portuguese word for “coldness”. It denotes a state of that which has no warmth. Lack of expressivity, involvement, sensuality. Impassivity, apathy.
"Frieza" came in a moment of inability to feel photography for that which it looks (out) at. That which it tries to portray. My inability to feel effectiveness and completeness in working with photography as that which represents something external to it, standing on its own. The inability of photography to work in the image it develops.
"Frieza" is pictures of frozen mountain tops. But, here, it is less about high peaks and extreme weather conditions to be seen and perceived. It is more about extreme landscape through the lens: photographic image and its inherent distance. Its taciturnity in that which it traditionally desires to present. Its capacity of souvenir more than affective, effective, reflective media. In bringing the image of the landscape, it takes the landscape further away: lays another layer of impermeability in between the body and the space, or simply sits as ineffective dummy to the feeling of that which is. It highlights in itself its incapacity to bring feeling that takes over, that lasts, that changes. Its incapacities and yet perseverance in conquering that which lies so cold, so far.