Fruit Shoot - Mini Mudder

  • Charlotte Hugh
  • Matthew Gerrard
  • Danny Pallett
Fruit Shoot Mini Mudder sponsorship
Let kids imaginations loose on the Mini Mudder course and their adventures will all be very different…whether they’re shooting through space, exploring beneath the jungle canopy or climbing the highest mountain peaks. 
When given footage from Mini Mudder 2016 to show both kids and their parents just what to expect; we wanted to create something which not only delivered this, but also demonstrated how different the Mini Mudder experience can be, enlightening parents into how kids see the course.
We bought these adventures to life by overlaying animation to real footage, transforming each obstacle into a different adventure. 

In addition, for out of home we bought our adventure theme to life even more through creating relatable characters and a series of simple and fun games in a booklet. From that Fruitin’ Shootin’ Sally and her friends were born. Our booklet included a board game where children and their parents could sit down together, away from any screens and play.