Giving a Voice to Breast Cancer Patients at Work

  • Shayne Cuffy

Empowering Voice: A Global Platform for Advanced Breast Cancer Patients

Recognising the worldwide lack of understanding about the challenges faced by individuals with Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC), ABC Global Alliance aimed to create a platform for patients to share their stories and raise awareness about workplace difficulties. In collaboration with Working with Cancer, the initiative was designed to spotlight these individuals' experiences. As the Experience Design Lead, I led the development of this platform, focusing on creating a user-friendly space to capture and showcase these powerful narratives.

From Vision to Reality: Building the Wall of Stories

The project began with thorough research and collaboration with medical consultants, project managers, and creative teams. Quantitative interviews with ABC patients revealed a strong need for a dedicated space to share their experiences, particularly related to the workplace. The platform was designed to feature a virtual 'Wall of Stories'—a dynamic and visually impactful grid of videos, images, and written testimonials. This would amplify the voices of those living with ABC and be a central element in the awareness campaign, driving home the urgent need for workplace flexibility and legislative change. The 'Wall of Stories' became a powerful tool for advocating these necessary changes.
Driving Change Through Engagement

Launched at the ABC6 conference, the campaign achieved remarkable success, with a 73.6% increase in monthly visitors to the ABC Global Alliance website and an 80% rise in sign-ups to support the cause. The platform featured 90% of submitted stories at launch, with additional stories being added over time. This project demonstrated the power of storytelling in advocacy, providing a space for patients to share their truths, foster understanding, and ultimately inspire change in how workplaces accommodate those living with ABC. The campaign's success is a testament to the impact of our work and a source of pride for all involved.