'Greetings from the Border!' - Publication

  • Tarryn Williams
I have designed and produced a small run of artist books / publications documenting the audio - visual essay / artwork 'Greetings from the Border!'. It features a loose textual translation of this ever-shifting work and newly-produced illustrations, followed by a transcript of a panel discussion which took place after its performance at Tate Modern in January 2017 with Dr. Danny McNally (Research Fellow in Cultural Geography at Royal Holloway, and collaborator at Peckham Platform) and Georgia Williams (MSc Candidate at the Gender Institute, London School of Economics).
Several were sold at the Central Saint Martins 2017 Degree Show and the remaining books are for sale on my website - tarrynwilliams.com
Taking on the role of a virtual space-time traveller, I explore the representation of marginalised spaces through various imaging technologies and the politics that surround them. My home city of Johannesburg, which has been constructed through a fasinating yet contentions spatial politic, serves as a locus through which to view various other sites, weaving a narrative of strange encounters with invisibles walls, reductive viewpoints and violent erasures during curious online wanderings. The work serves not only as a revealing critique but also sets forth possible tactics of resistance in both the digital and physical realms.