GROWTH - Playlist Cover Art

  • Chloe Norman

Throughout the current pandemic I’ve found myself inspired by so many different things. From the gorgeous words of Florence Given in the new bible ‘Women Don’t Owe You Pretty’ ( @florencegiven ), to following my new fave yoga sessions with the one and only ‘Yoga with Adriene’ and lastly the cover art of a whole bunch of beautiful songs and albums I’ve been listening to while WFH at my make shift desk (the dining table lol). So I decided to create a Spotify playlist of songs that feel authentic in representing my growth in 2020 so far! It’s a celebration of growth in my career/artistic development, in relationships (with myself and others) and learning to be better everyday! The above illustration was developed from an unused sketch for counselling services but I loved it too much to say goodbye. The twisting stem is never ending and created with a series of scribbles, acting as a metaphor for the ups and downs of life but with a BIG BRIGHT BLOOMIN flower up top as a reflection of personal break through/growth!! GROWTH playlist link -