Guinness | The Compton Cowboys

  • Frankie Burwell-Wright
’The Compton Cowboys’ is the next chapter of the iconic ‘Made of More’ campaign, which champions real people around the world who have shown unexpected character to enrich the world around them.
‘The Compton Cowboys’ features an extraordinary group of men living in Compton, LA, a city often known for gangs and violence. By following their true passion and caring for horses, they made an unusual yet brave choice to take a different path to that of the gangs and violence around which they grew up.
Many of their horses are rescued from auction houses where otherwise they would end up in the slaughterhouse. By saving these horses, nursing them, caring for them and bringing them back to life, the Cowboys find a sense of purpose and confidence that enriches both their lives and those of the people living in the community around them.
In 1888, land was donated to form Compton City, however there was a stipulation that a portion remained agricultural. Richlands Farm is the legacy of this stipulation, an area in the middle of LA with around 50 small ranches, where people care for horses and other farm animals. In an area better known for gangs and violence, the community which lives there have continued the farmland traditions and offer an alternative life to the gritty reality of Compton City, which has brought drug and gang warfare to their doorstep.
The new campaign captures the essence of defying personal circumstances and features real-life cowboys. The commercial’s VO is delivered by Keenan Abercrombie, who was born and raised in Compton. Despite growing up in difficult circumstances, which for some resulted in jail time, the Compton Cowboys have had the strength of character to turn their back on crime. Together, they serve as an example to others that by making bold decisions and following your own path in life, you can find peace and personal fulfilment, regardless of circumstance.


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