Side Hustle/ Contemporary Craft

Hand Marbled Ceramic Coasters

  • Mia Bates

With an existing love for marbling, I wanted to push the boundaries that little bit further. Having experimented with paper marbling, I gathered a few new materials to see what interesting results I could create. Using a different pigment to paper marbling (enamel paints rather than marbling inks), I followed a similar technique. This involves 'floating' the pigment on the surface of a room temperature water bath, by dropping it on the surface. I soon realised enamel paint dries very fast, so it was essential to work quickly when creating the marbled pattern. Certain types of ceramic and plaster seem to repel the inks, so just to be sure to get a defined pattern and to create an even base colour, I use a white primer a few days before. This also helps to protect from dust and moisture so it's particularly useful when it comes to coasters and planters. Below are the results of a few colours I tried - what's your favourite? See more here: