Handel & Hendrix, Street Presence Pack

  • Faika Cansin Stewart
Handel & Hendrix 
Street Presence
June 2017, London.
Promotion of Handel and Hendrix Museum's street presence is a project that I undertook in 2017. Handel and Hendrix Museum is an extraordinary place in London. Located in Mayfair, the building hosted two key figures of music: George Frideric Handel and Jimi Hendrix both lived here with an interval of 200 years.
I developed flag and poster designs based on the conjunction of these two remarkable identities. The challenge of the project was to gather the two different periods and concepts within coherent and eye-catching promotional elements, while respecting the guidelines launched in 2015. 
Conception d’affiches et de bannières pour le Musée Handel et Hendrix. Situé dans Mayfair, ce lieu extraordinaire a accueilli, à 200 ans d'intervalle, deux figures majeures de la musique.  
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