Hanuram the Golden: The Fury

  • Ricardo Venâncio

Cover (with the graphic design by Nuno Lourenço Rodrigues, and the wrap around full illustration) for the first book from my creator owned comicbook project, Hanuram o Dourado: A Fúria, published in a joint venture by ComicHeart and G Floy Studio Portugal. The first book was distinguished with the award for "Best Drawing" in 2017's Galardões da BD, at ComicCon Portugal. Hanuram is a project written, drawn, colored and lettered by me, Ricardo Venâncio. You can find the book here, in portuguese: https://www.fnac.pt/Hanuram-o-Dourado-A-Furia-Ricardo-Venancio/a1360321 and here, in its english version: https://www.fnac.pt/Hanuram-the-Golden-The-Fury-Ricardo-Venancio/a1360323