Hart's Lane Exhibition for Drawing London on Location

  • Fabiola Retamozo
Hart's Lane Exhibition for Drawing London on Location
Hart's Lane exhibition was organised by me and other members of the group. The exhibition focus was collecting drawings from 20 members of the group Drawing London on location whose work was produced during the period of two weekends in the New Cross area. The program was organised with live performance with the aim to encourage visitors to draw and at the same time join the performance of artist that were invited to be part of the exhibition.
The marketing of this exhibition was also done by me with the help of the participants creating flyers to promote the event. I went to the houses of the neighbours of New Cross Area and gave a personal invite to join the exhibition with the propose to encourage to see Art and be part of it, as well as to help with the selling of the work produced by the members of Drawing London on location. Beside this also I used social media and order sources.
The founding of this project was all by the members of the group as well with the help of sustainability principals, I tried to make this exhibition as low cost as I could.