Side Hustle/ Fashion Business

Heel My Soles

  • sable owusu

Heel My Soles is an online fashion publication specialising solely in high heels. Established in 2011. We noticed that there weren’t any prominent fashion publications that specialised solely on high heels so we put our big girl heels on, got into action and the rest is history. Our Founder Sable Seline believes that the high heel is so much more than an inanimate fashion accessory, it’s the pedestal on which women step into their con dent, fearless and empowered self. Over the the last 8 years, we’ve evolved into a ‘high heel haven’, curating the best content from luxury designers worldwide to celebrate the beauty and confidence that high heels brings to women. Our objective is to create a safe space “a heel haven” to empower and inspire and women for who they are as they are.

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  • Fashion Photographer