• Hayley McSporran
Hidden Utopia A/W 15 Womenswear collection stems from a personal interest in the underground clubbing culture in Berlin. Clubs in Berlin are concealed within unsuspecting buildings, hidden behind ordinary surfaces and doors that you would never know was there unless you knew about them, you have to get lost to discover them, go on a journey that pushes you out of your comfort zone; expect the unexpected.

This has laid the creative platform for the collection with the dark aesthetics and textures of the post-industrial derelict environments inspiring colour and fabric direction and the distorted exaggerated shapes the lighting in these utopian clubs creates on the body influencing the silhouette. The element of concealed, off set, unexpected details inspired by the architectural qualities of these clubs are present throughout garments as this is pivotal in reflecting the unpredictable nature of the Berlin clubbing culture.