Holocaust Memorial Day - Don't Stand By

  • Alexi Mccarthy
  • Ignacio Rodriguez

In 2016 the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust wanted to use the day to give a voice to all those who are still experiencing the horrors of genocide. They wanted to make the world aware that although it’s been 70 years since the Holocaust, these atrocities are still going on. After all… The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing We wanted to empower people to help others. To use their voice. To not Stand By.

We kicked off the campaign with a video of Susan Pollack, a powerful woman and holocaust survivor…

She had a story that was a little unexpected.

The video was supported by a series of posts that helped raise awareness

The posts drove people to the website where they could take a stand.
The campaign website had more information and

gave people the opportunity to give their voice to someone that needed it.

They did this by sharing the stories of victims of recent genocides or people experiencing everyday hate crimes.

People didn’t stand by, they ‘used their voice’ in the weeks leading up to Holocaust memorial day.

Using a model called Thunderclap meant that each one of these ‘shares’ were stored and released at the same time on the day. Enabling a wave of over 4500 people to stand up through their social platforms at the same time, making a statement that could not be ignored.

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