How DTC Brands Can Utilize Customer Data

  • Matt Nemer

Customer data is one of the most critical tools that direct-to-consumer brands possess. Traditionally, brands have used a middleman when selling products to their customers. DTC brands cut out this middleman, which gives them a more direct relationship with their clients. One benefit of this type of relationship is that brands now have the opportunity to learn more about their customers than ever before. Now DTC brands control the entire customer experience from start to finish. They have access to the data generated at every step in the process. The customer data can be used to improve and personalize client service, which will continue to set DTC brands apart from the rest of the competition. Create New Experiences Traditionally, brands used to customer data to personalize the experience by suggesting similar products. The method is standard because it’s easy for email marketers and relatively risk-free. Many marketers, however, are realizing that this isn’t necessarily the best option. Most customers aren’t looking to buy the same thing over and over. Seeing ads for something someone has already purchased and no longer needs can even come across as annoying. The solution is for DTC brands to revaluate how they use customer data and suggest products. Data offers more uses than reinforcing past behaviors. Brands can also use the information to create new opportunities for their customers. After all, companies have a virtual gold mine of demographic data about customers and their interests. Collect Customer Input and Redesign Data from DTC brands’ websites about customer movements, engagement, and patterns are also extremely helpful. Brands shouldn’t be afraid to collect customer input and use these insights to redesign their products, website, and sale experience. For example, the popular makeup DTC brand Glossier noticed that customers would read their blog on a mobile device and add a product to their shopping cart. They would later use a desktop device to make the purchase. Glossier responded by linking their blog and store sites on both mobile and desktop devices. Continue reading at