HyperX Gaming Room Design

  • Ruggero Gualdesi
With the uprise of gaming teams that HyperX sponsors and the need of original contents for the Social Media platforms, the brand decided to have its very own gaming room. In here gaming teams can bootcamp and participate in world tournaments, influencers can create videos about new products and brand representatives host meetings and, of course, play video games.
I designed the dark external wall with just the HX symbol, in contrast with the typical office environment, to give to the room an aggressive and challenging look & feel, while internally the white walls, with a simple graphic design, focus the attention to the brand, overlooking the gamers.
There is also a dedicated wall for PR interviews that while it shows the brand has little references to items found in popular video games, to make the brand appear closer to the gamers, because we’re all gamers, in the end.