IF Brewhouse

  • Adam Keefe

I was approached by a startup brewhouse to develop a brand and identity package for a line of brand new ales. The client wanted a product that would be an affront to established norms but without opting for the ‘anti-establishment’ type of messaging and aesthetics such as that exhibited by other artisan brands like Brewdog.

The solution was highly experimental.
We decided to take inspiration from science and ‘speculative’ fiction. The logo and identity were designed to provide a very simple aesthetic anchor for the brand across what would otherwise be a graphically complex series of label designs.
I produced an series of bold graphics, colour and textures; ‘punk-like’ aesthetically but with unique messaging that was designed to refer beyond past and present, to unknown futures and other worlds.
For titling and designing each of the ales I used what is known as the cut-up method (originally developed by author William S. Burroughs) to produce images and titles. Using this technique enabled us to strongly evoke a palpable sense of narrative and to vividly conjure impressionistic landscapes.
The result was a truly iconic and aesthetically experimental brand and product line which received very high acclaim.