Book of Donald Trump Covers (2016)

DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE MOST VILIFIED American president ever, derided on more newspaper and magazine front covers than any other. He’s been portrayed as the anti-Christ, Adolf Hitler, The Joker, a Ku Klux Klansman, a terrorist, a madman, a psychopath, a narcissist, a buffoon and a sexual predator, to name but a few. 'Fake Views? The Donald Trump Book Of Covers', profiles the US president in all of these guises and more, via the front pages of the world’s print publications leading up to his first term in 2016. This book’s unique collection will help us understand the inner workings of the president’s mind, while offering insights into how this extraordinary moment in history came to pass. Meticulously researched, the author has sifted through thousands of Trump covers, selecting 242 of the best, spanning forty years and including many unseen examples. The accompanying text discusses the design, typography, photography and political context of each example, bringing to life this unique portrait of the world’s most watched and talked about person.