InnerSID is a small project that explores the destructive nature of children through a series of playful toy mutilations. The name is inspired from the child-villain toy torturer ‘Sid’ from Disney’s Toy Story (1996).
I used fire as the main method of destruction due to the common fascination children have for it.
The project explores a paradox between the conventionally innocent aspects of child nature, especially though the use of feminine toys such as Barbies, and the menacingly grotesque imagery of burned and tortured figures. Both of which can be seen simultaneously as forms of play. Two sides of the same toy.
I decided to depict this duality of play, both harmless and harmful, by destroying the toys and then re-packaging them and placing them back on the toy store shelves, acting as a reverse play on the concept.
I constructed a simple conceptual music video of burning toys, occurring within a distinctly colourful landscape. The video acted as a depiction of a twisted fantasy toy store from the darker side of a child’s imagination.
The video is accompanied with a collaborative piece of music made by me and my friend Sleepi.