Integrated Marketing Campaign - The Institute of Education

  • Christine Redmond
The Institute of Education is one of the largest private second level schools in Ireland, sending more students to third-level colleges than any other school in the country. In January 2016 the school wanted to launch a new marketing campaign for the new year. The key message and unique selling point for the school is that their teachers are the cream of the crop and using their upcoming open days as a call to action I worked on a campign that showed off their talent and invited the viewer to learn more.
I had many different hats to wear during this campaign as I went back and forth dipping my toes in the photography, videography and design aspects. I photographed some of the teachers featured and used their images in a print and digital campaign. I designed bus shelter ads, landing pages for their website, social media pages (Youtube and Facebook), digital ads, press ads and much more in between.