Iolanthe Poster

  • Julia Fryer

Poster Design for Swindon Gilbert and Sullivan Society. The story they wanted me to tell this time was that of a flock of fairies who, after the entire House of Lords annoy them, retaliate by making their half human nephew Prime Minister. Not the most logical story in the world, but great fun to work on. This was done using Corel Paintshop Essentals and a hand drawn illustration. For a while I tried the Lord in his robes of state, but he would keep looking like a king, so I put him in a top hat and monocle. I was thrilled to discover a paint brush effect for the stars, called (I think) 'Fairy Dust'! I also added a nice glow effect behind the fairy only. I did toy with adding some to the Lord, but decided against it in the end. The Text was added in Affinity Publisher.