IPSE Freelancer Awards Application Deadline Extended!

  • Bree Kotomah
  • Patrik Wagner
  • whatsapp gold
  • Claire Barrance
  • Zsófia Szendrei
  • Claire Barrance

Great news, you now have an extra week to get your entries sent over to us!

Freelancers, independent professionals, side-hustler: No-Collar workers, we're calling you to share with us your accolades for a chance to win one of our Awards.
The deadline for entries is now extended to midnight on Friday 5th April!
So you still have ample time to blow us away with your passion and dedication.
The process is simple and completely free. If you miss out on the application you lose out on the chance of winning up to £5,000 to invest back into your business, as well as recognition at a national level.
We look forward to reading about your freelance journeys, learning curves and achievements!
For more information on the IPSE Awards, the categories and how to enter, visit our Awards page.