Side Hustle/ Entrepreneur

JavaScript WTF!?

  • Valerie Fuchs

JavaScript WTF!? is a leisure coding-class for those who want an introduction and prefer humans to online-classes. Using real-life examples and props, we want you to have fun while getting smarter. In 4 weekly evening classes in the heart of Amsterdam, we start from learning how the Internet work, cover how the Browser paints a picture on your screen and dig into the role of JavaScript in the Internet. Each class is split into a theoretical and a practical part, so that we get to practice the concepts of JavaScript with e.g. writing functions on how to order a beer at a Dutch bar. This course is targeted at Creatives who finally want to understand what all this coding hype is about.

The class starts by explaining the three pillars of the web: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We call it the 'house of web': HTML as the foundation, CSS as the decoration and JavaScript as the interactive elements (e.g. the wiring).
What is a programming language? And why are there different ones? What does a programming language like JavaScript actually DO with your computer and browser? We speak about the differences and similarities, and how to make your computer understand what you want it to do.
We visually illustrate the concepts of JavaScript by using the JavaScript library p5js - a library specifically created for educational purposes and the creative community. What we do with p5js is to manipulate graphic elements on the screen by using code - so that we eventually see animations. It's fun!
New classes get kicked off regularily.
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