John Lewis - The Beta

  • Ross Crump
This brief aimed at bringing John Lewis to a younger audience by creating a greater understanding of the great products and services already on offer at John Lewis, whilst updating the branding to compare to other popular chains such as ASOS and Topman/Topshop.
The beta is an entirely new department store, with no direct link to John Lewis. The new stores will be launched over two months through communication via e-mail, motion and advertisements in public spaces. Allowing limited sign-ups to the department store, younger people who love the feeling of exclusivity, will be engaged with this highly exclusive brand. During the campaign sublminal hints will be dropped into the design to suggest that John Lewis is behind the campaign, with the payoff being that they already offer these great services and products, and the beta was acting as a communication bridge between this previously unengaged consumer base.
Post-campaign, John Lewis will be able to use this exclusive base of customers to try new products/services and create a customer group who feel truly unique to the brand.