Side Hustle/ Entrepreneur

Küe Nastar

  • Carmellia Indrawati

Küe Nastar is my passion project combining two of my favorite things - design and baking Indonesian deserts. I decided to start my own small business while living in Bogotá, Colombia. During time off from my graphic design freelance jobs I developed the brand identity and graphics that best represents the products I was creating. I was able to explore and improve my branding skills while baking my favorite Indonesian desserts! Down the road, I wanted to learn more about merchandising and styling - I decided to expand my products from just cakes to textile related items focusing on a reflection of my Indonesian heritage.

A screenshot of Küe Nastar's website:
"Lunch box" style packaging used for Küe Nastar's cakes - in this case a coconut sesame seed brownie:
Packaging desing for a more delicate pastry:
Keeping in theme with the Indonesian deserts - I also designed totebags and sweaters drawing inspiration from my Javanese heritage. This totebag usesfabric with traditionally painted batik patterns from Java:
This sweater has hand embroidered text in old Javanese script that says "alang-alang dudu aling-alang” which means ,obstacles ate not barriers: