To all those who left us too early.
Where are you going? Is it scary? Will we meet again?
Why did you disappear so soon? What did we not say?
La Morte is a tribute to all those who are not among us anymore, especially those who left too early.
I started La Morte in August 2015, during my stay in Atina (Italy) when I discover the old paper factory La Cartiera. This old building belongs to the Visocchi family. Some other old buildings are added to complete the series.
We feel scared of death because we do not know what is waiting for us there but all of us will find out one day. Sometimes, when a death is unexpected, we find it difficult to talk about it and we reject the pain and forget the deceased. Each of these images is a tribute to all those who we don´t talk about, but who are still in our mind.
Each photography is a digital photocollage. I decided to complete the series with only seven pictures. I chose this number because it is the number of days of the official Catholic and Jewish mourning.