les girls les boys

  • Jenny Cusack

Brand analysis, tone of voice overhaul, email marketing, and SEO-friendly content and concepts for site, social and press.

Now, more than ever, we need conversations.

As we dutifully endure our collective break from closeness, conversations keep us connected as we take stock to think, wonder, reflect, and recalibrate.

Now is a time to reach out to our loved ones, and to the world, to ease suffering. Vulnerabilities build friendships. Through our devices we can emulate the real life connections yearned for, and savour those simple but precious interactions still available to us: waving from windows at passers by, smiling in the street as we lock eyes with neighbours, and appreciative, knowing nods to the key workers in our lives.

Our newly launched Conversations is a platform for us to forge greater intimacy with one another, to make and strengthen bonds, hold space for new comforts and discoveries, and communicate to you with honesty who we are. Through conversations we often vocalise what we’d never realised before, and in doing so we better understand ourselves and others. Through our conversations, we are always learning.

les girls les boys was founded to change mindsets and champion new normals. We want to walk through this disruptive change with you, providing you pieces and snippets of our world, our thinking, and our feelings that we hope serve as welcome doses of happiness and friendship each day.

We miss all the people and places we love. We miss the streets, we miss the beach, we miss cafes, we miss our studio. But ‘Bed’ is where we'll stay for now, and Conversations is our offering and portal through the void to you.