Life Vest | The Second Crossing

  • Joseff Murphy
  • Isabelle Cotton
The life vest worn by migrants on their way to Europe has become a symbol for their journey to a new life.
On the 26th of March, both locals and migrants spent the afternoon on the ferries of Amsterdam inviting the public to wear life vests from Lesvos.
The aim was to invite people to interact with the life vests, to engage in conversation about the crisis and give them the opportunity to physically place themselves in the shoes of others, in the form of wearing the vests. It also gave a platform for several Syrians to share their journey and stories with the people of Europe.
The same month we launched our campaign Re-VestLife during King's Day in Amsterdam. A creative platform for social inclusion, upcycling the discarded life vest material into sustainable products with both locals and newcomers.
And later that year hijacked the Venice Biennale of Architecture in collaboration with Roof4Humanity

Director - Joseff Murphy
Filmmaker - Richard Hu
Edit - Joseff Murphy / Richard Hu
All round creative, art director, maker and producer for the launch of Re-VestLife.
Design by Thonik
For A Roof for Humanity I directed and co-shot this short video of our takeover of the Venice Biennale of Architecture, also writing the manifesto that is the voiceover.
Photography by Melissa Arras
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