Lucozade relaunch

  • Nick Tebbutt
The brief
Create a digital and social ecosystem that communicated Lucozade's shift away from sports science towards a lifestyle territory.
The response
We defined a cross-channel TOV for Lucozade, reworked the brand's .com and social presence and developed campaigns that raised the brand's profile with culturally savvy millennials.
My part in the project
- Developing Lucozade's TOV and brand manifesto
- Concepting digital campaigns that leveraged influencer content and brand partnerships
- Developing social strategies covering Facebook games, content, competitions and sponsored posts
- Writing content across the digital ecosystem
- Growing the account from purely digital into experiential via festival partnerships
- Creating launch campaigns for new product lines - Working with CDs and design leads to oversee content production
Key results
- 2.5m film views in just two months
- Top sponsored YouTube channel in the UK
- Turned ad soundtrack into the most pre-ordered iTunes track ever, and with over 1.2m YouTube views
- Winner, Best FMCG brand, Marketing Week Engage Awards
- Winner, Consumer Products Campaign, DADI Awards
- Winner, Festival Communication, IVCA Awards
- Commendation, Social Media Marketing, The Lovie Awards
- Finalist, Community Award, BIMAs
- Finalist, Multi-platform Award, BIMAs