M store Sydney

  • Ed Kraftman
  • karina eibatova
Mural Comission
Com­ple­tion date: Au­gust 2011 Lo­ca­tion: Syd­ney, Aus­tralia.
Tech­nique: graphite, acrylic. Col­lab­o­ra­tor: Ka­rina Eiba­tova.

The mural was cre­ated in one of the Syd­ney’s fash­ion stores, lo­cated in The Gal­leries, in­ner city hub, lifestyle & cul­tural des­ti­na­tion for fash­ion, books & mu­sic. We aimed to paint the walls, ceil­ing and cor­ners with the mu­rals that would look like the tatoos for the walls. The source for the in­spi­ra­tion was the con­tra­dic­tion be­tween the light­weight float­ing rib­bons and the heavy stones.