• Elif Gurbuz

For a New York-based digital marketing agency, let’s call them MAISON, I took on the challenge of transforming their website and identity to reflect the unique niche positioning in new customer acquisition for luxury fashion eCommerce. The objective is to captivate their audience by harnessing a contemporary visual identity that would resonate with their own aesthetic and own audience. My aim with this creative direction is to establish an online environment where their clients would feel a sense of belonging, emphasising MAISON's transformative value. To achieve this, I wanted to strike a balance between presenting concrete facts and allowing space for the distinctive personalities of their clients to shine through. In essence, my creative brief called for the design of a dynamic website that would provide an inclusive platform for individual voices to be heard. One of the key objectives of this project was to integrate compelling case studies into MAISON's website, while avoiding reliance on their clients' artwork and instead conveying a distinct brand identity. Embracing this concept, I conceived their brand as an open-plan space, characterised by flexibility, dynamism and diversity. This core idea informed the use of fluid and vibrant colors, as well as an overall typographic approach, throughout the website design. I presented this concept to my client, who, for confidentiality purposes, I will refer to as an anonymous entity in this context. Client: MAISON Agency: Design Machine Role: Creative Director