Mister Maker Club- Generic Photoshoot for Social Media

  • Ecem Pasa

Brief Generate new generic assets for Mister Maker, to be used on social media. Roles Art direction. Styling. Presentation/ organisation of the project. Idea generation and development. Set building. Photography. Asset designer. Time management. Communication between teams. Main idea Mister Maker is a bold and expressive brand for pre-school and primary children. My aim was to develop a concept that put its exciting spirit front and centre, and showcased how Mister Maker crafts can elevate imagination. I came up with three storylines for the three crafts that were being photographed; a space rocket, a puppet theatre and dancing disco robots. I designed and crafted the set to reflect the brand assets. I played on the idea of taking selfies and encouraged the kids to take their own shots. This would fit with one of the main requests from the marketing team - eye-catching shots with a natural angle. I then turned these into GIFs.

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