Modern Venus

  • Anrike Piel

Think with me here for a moment -⁣ I ask you to sympathize with the women that have been fleeing war on terror in the last years. ⁣ Children’s wellbeing as a priority, they cross the sea by small rubber boats. ⁣ 1st attempt, 2nd attempt, 3rd attempt, the faulty dinghy begins drowning. ⁣ Praying for the rescue teams to arrive quick. ⁣ Thousands of dollars spent on smugglers. ⁣ Now telling the children they’re camping because how else can a mother explain to a child that they are sleeping rough on the streets because society doesn’t see their lives worthy enough.⁣ ⁣ It is 2019. In this day people still have to cross countries on foot and rubber boats, carrying their belongings over their shoulder. Women are raising their children in dangerous, inhumane conditions in camps, streets, slums.. They did not choose this. That is just the ONLY option available. It is 2019. ⁣ ⁣ There are the ‘lucky’ ones that have received asylum in safe countries but that does not mean the hardships are over. Sorrow from the past does not magically disappear, but they put all the energy into learning new languages, getting accustomed to new environments and trying their fucking hardest to make sure their children are well. And the children are so well now that they are safe! I just wish the children in the camps, slums and streets could feel the same. ⁣ But they can’t. ⁣ Because we have allowed far-right loudmouths shape policies here in the EU.. And like it’s not hard enough - in places like Estonia, the refugees are tolerating racial and religious discrimination daily. Tolerating because someones ignorant opinion is just that..I’m sidetracked. ⁣ ⁣ Anyway, I leave you with this - ⁣ it is not the movement of the clock that creates change in the world, it is the movement of the mind. ⁣ Anni Arro as Modern Venus by Anrike Piel & Liisa-Chrislin Saleh