Moonfruit at Boxpark, Shoreditch

  • Chi Evi-Parker
A 3 month stint at Boxpark in Shoreditch, we invited customers and visitors to come inside and learn how to build their own website. We also hosted a series of events to upskill customers around key digital marketing activities to help grow their business (e.g. SEO, Google Analytics).

About Moonfruit

Moonfruit makes it easy for you to set up your business, project or passion online and share it with like-minded people.
Our free website builder provides everything you need to get your site up and running, from web hosting and templates to the shop and add-on features such as Google Maps.
What’s more, you can customise the style and layout of your site to reflect your brand without having to understand any coding, HTML or CSS. Oh, and we'll make sure it looks the way it should on all platforms and devices, including iPhones, iPads and other smartphones and tablets.
People who choose us invest in creating a lifestyle and a way of earning that they love. They are artisans who like to 'make' beautiful things, service providers who want to 'promote' their brand and retailers who want to 'sell' their wares. They love to learn from each other and we support the community's entrepreneurial and creative passion, through all our social media channels.

Find out more here.


  • BOXPARK LTD logo


    • Non Creative Industries
