• Caterina Schmitt
“The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination.” H. P. Lovecraft

Mortparfaite A/W 2014/15 is a collection inspired by an in-depth research into the multiple expressions of the Aesthetics of Violence, the looks of who performs it and who experiences it.
Today’s society gives a significant importance to violence.
As a matter of fact, we are over-whelmed by countless examples of atmospheres of terror romanced out of scenic beauty, to the point that they are made erotical and captivating despite their actual insensitivity, cruelty and brutality.
Using the power of adornment and visual trickery, the fashion industry is one of the undiscussed “partners in crime” of this not at all recent trend, especially when it comes to address women.
This collection wishes to portrays today’s woman on a metaphorical level, for how our male-dominate society likes her to be, sometimes victim and sometimes aggressor, but never equal.
Mortparfaite A/W 2014/15 is great glamour and seduction under which surface lurks a terrible truth. Most importantly, it is a protest vehicle to question people on how terribly perverse of humankind it is to emulate violence for the scope of entertainment or advertisment, for violence it is an actual, real, most serious people-killing issue.